Illegal Monetary Transactions
Illegal Monetary Transactions
Monetary transactions of all sorts are what drive our economy, and generally speaking, the more money that changes hands, the healthier an economy will be. The advent and growing prevalence of the Internet has allowed for the opportunity for monetary transactions to be completed in a matter of seconds as opposed to what were hours, days or sometimes even weeks, and these real-time capabilities have been a boon not only for the financial industry but for businesses and consumers alike.
However, the real-time capabilities have also opened the door to more widespread access to certain accounts, databases and user information than ever before as well. This is a problem for many reasons, one of which is the rise in illegal monetary transactions both in New York and all over the rest of the world.
If this situation sounds familiar to you, then you need to begin to build a defense as soon as possible. Contact our defense attorneys today to schedule an initial consultation, but in the meantime below are a few examples of illegal monetary transactions that can lead to serious criminal liability.
Internet Gambling
One of the fastest-growing industries in the word, online or offline, is Internet gambling. Gambling is illegal in almost every jurisdiction in the United States, which means that whenever money changes hands for the purpose of gambling, a crime has been committed in the eyes of many legislatures. That’s why many of the ‘hosts’ of Internet gambling sites are ‘stationed’ away from the United States, but that doesn’t mean that you couldn’t be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the amounts involved if you have partaken in gambling from your computer in New York.
Internet Marketing Scams
Most of us have seen the emails from a stranger begging for financial help, and many of these emails ask for help moving enormous amounts of money from a troubled nation in consideration for a huge fee. Most of us simply delete these emails, but not everyone does, or else they wouldn’t continue to be sent.
These situations are much like the ‘traditional’ scams that took place throughout US history, but now that they happen online, there is little or no opportunity to meet the person interested in your investment and any money that changes hands happens instantaneously, which makes it much more difficult to void a transaction.
If you are facing accusations of any sort of illegal monetary transactions, you face harsh consequences depending on the specifics of your case. Contact the Blanch Law Firm of New York today to schedule an initial consultation.