Prostitution Rings
Prostitution Rings
The Blanch Law Firm has extensive experience defending individuals who either operated a prostitution ring or made use of its services. Our attorneys collectively possess 40 years’ criminal defense experience representing criminal defendants, including clients involved in high-profile cases. Consequently, the firm is positioned to provide unparalleled legal skills from the onset of a police investigation all the way through to trial.
Operating a Prostitution Ring
Conviction for operating a prostitution ring is punishable by imprisonment of an indeterminate term from 2 to 4 years, and can result in asset forfeiture – including disgorgement of all proceeds derived from interested parties – along with punitive fines limited only by the judge’s discretion.
Collateral Sex Crimes
Investigation of – and prosecution for – operating a prostitution ring is often conducted in conjunction with other serious crimes, resulting in indictments that include additional counts. When that happens, you will face further serious consequences related to:
- Racketeering
- Bribery
- Kidnapping
- Child trafficking
- Sodomy and other Sex Crimes
Participating in Prostitution
If you are linked in any way to a prostitution ring–through providing or using its services–you will be investigated by state and federal authorities. What comes to light may have a devastating impact on your professional reputation.
The Blanch Law Firm understands that a client’s willingness to discuss potentially indictable offenses prior to charges being filed can mean the difference between dropped charges and an inevitable prosecution. The reason is simple: our attorneys know precisely what appropriate defensive measures to take early on.
Providing Vigorous Defense
The Blanch Law Firm brings top notch legal skills to bear on every criminal defense matter we handle. Our attorneys quickly and effectively analyze factual and legal issues in a manner beneficial to clients, protecting constitutional rights and working towards dismissal of the charges, a plea bargain or favorable result at trial.
We Can Help
If you are concerned about a connection to, or involvement of any sort whatsoever in, a prostitution ring, don’t wait to obtain experienced criminal defense. To discuss your legal options in a free consultation, Contact The Blanch Law Firm by calling 212-736-3900.